Bali provincial tourism office data revealed on Saturday that the number of tourists from India has increased by 47.52 percent in the first two months of the year to 17,400 people.“The significant increase of travelers from India is supported by good relations between India and Indonesia from the political, economic and cultural sectors,” tourism practitioner Made Sudana said in Denpasar, Bali, on Saturday as quoted by Antara news agency.Besides aggressive tourism marketing programs carried out by the government, he said Bali was the perfect place for Indians to visit since most people on Bali are Hindu, which is also the dominant religion in India.“Hinduism is a religion that is growing in India and Bali. The people from both places find spiritual and cultural connections through Hinduism,” he said.He added that many tourists from India were amazed by the development of Hinduism in Bali, including how this religion mixed beautifully with the local culture and arts, which was different from Hinduism in India.These uniqueness, he said, was the main attraction for Indian travelers. (nfo)(++++) - See more at:
I think... risks is Cheap, crowded, dirty and dangerous. Bali is the lowest common denominator of travelling destinations, the choice of disengaged (of brain) people
ReplyDeleteand Most Indians will start complaining, saying that the Balinese Culture was stolen from India.
knunicha Muhammad 5601432 sec.01
ฺI think that risk about tourist India choose this tourist attraction is cheap charge and did not interested , It's a beautiful but ravelers from India is supported by good relations between India and Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteMiss Wenuka Promruksa ID:5502605 Sec.02
A 47.52 percent increase in the first two months of the year in Indian tourists. With India fast becoming an economic super power and more and more Indian nationals becoming wealthy, and being able to afford to travel to exotic locations like Bali, it will only be a question of time before the Island is overrun with tourists and as with so many exotic and beautiful places that are now being destroyed by having too many tourists, Bali could suffer the same problems.
ReplyDeleteName Somruethai Phandan ID 5603192 TRM319 Sec 01
I think Indian's culture nearly gone from India because of dangerous and too many people in India including and culture had been stole from India.
ReplyDeleteName Mukrawin Kumhang ID 5603704 Sec01
I think Indian's culture nearly gone from India because of dangerous and too many people in India including and culture had been stole from India.
ReplyDeleteName Mukrawin Kumhang ID 5603704 Sec01
The risk to happen is if the tourists to travel a lot. Be born to destroy nature and tranquility of the place.
ReplyDeleteName Panniap Supanputtha ID5606389 Sec.01
Obviously, Indian culture particularly religious culture which It is a Individually art send an influence on Balinese culture dramatically and affect travelers. But increasing numbers effect may be the of something else, for example The problem with increasing the number of tourists
ReplyDeleteName Peerapat Pongsa-ard ID 5606716
The increase in Indian tourists that could risk the environment, but also make the country more revenue.
ReplyDeleteName Ampon Wongkornwichit ID 5601205
Indian tourists who come to visit in Indonesia, more a result of increased pollution problems, but it has more stimulus.
ReplyDeleteName Thammarak chawalpipatpong ID 5601200
The risk of the tourists travel to at the same time a lot. Causes congestion of the area. Attractions may damage. But the Indonesian economy may well because Bali has several tourist attractions, and now most Indian tourists like to spend high.
ReplyDeletePrawpan Boonsri 5603574 SEC.01
From this news article, I don’t see anything risky about indians visiting Bali. Perhaps, this is the wrong article.
ReplyDeleteName Marisa Santamit ID5709426 Sec02
Allowing the increase of tourists beyond the capabilities to support the area could cause problems in natural resource management. But it would create revenue to India a lot.
ReplyDeleteChanidapha kaewkamjun Sec01 ID 5503808
Bali is a beautiful and rich natural. The increase in tourists is considered good because the income from tourism increased. The disadvantage is that if there are too many tourists, it is destructive in nature and peace of the place.
ReplyDeletePanisara Prompijarn 5604332 sec.01
I Think Indian culture have effect to Balinese culture. The risk of tourist is an increasing number of tourists. An increasing number of tourists makes attractions decay, crowded and dirty. Therefore, attractions risks that makes the risk of tourists.
ReplyDeleteMr.Pakin Prempong
I ' think the risk of the tourists a result of increased problems in pollution of environment. The tourist attraction is risk. But indonesian a good have economic. That bali is beautiful place to attraction.
ReplyDeleteJeojan nangwong ID 5606319 SEC 01
I think that risk about tourist India. Due to the increase in tourists. May be go and destroy the natural beauty. When traveling, increasing it to a more natural life. But it is a good thing in India tourism importance.
ReplyDeleteNutthita Chumrit ID 5601062 sec 01
From a news article. I did not find the problem, the risk of tourists from any destination. Because both of them are the same religion, culture and the arts are also similar. Moreover, the Indians also appreciate that Bali is a beautiful country and perfect. So I think Bali is no risk to the visit of Indian tourists.
ReplyDeleteMs.Pimpisut Sakulthiptae (5707137) Sec.01
I think that the risk of increased of travellers from India. The risk may be from problems in pollution of environment, destroy about nature of the place and something what happened.
ReplyDeleteSupanan Assawasathapornpol ID 5604011 Sec. 01
Bali was the perfect place for Indians to visit Because both of them are the same religion, culture and the arts are also similar. But the risk of tourist is an increasing number of tourists. Makes attractions, crowded and dirty.
ReplyDeleteThanatporn Suphawong ID: 5606185 Sec.02
I think that the risk to happen is if the tourists to travel a lot. that could risk the environment. May be go and destroy the natural beauty and the place.
ReplyDeleteJeeranut Suksuart ID 5500971 sec 01
I think that risk about tourist India due to the increase in tourists may be go and destroy the natural beauty when traveling, increasing it to a more natural life.
ReplyDeleteBanjawan Pansanit ID 5501027 sec 02
According to news Note that tourists in India A 47.52 percent increase in the first two months of the year to 17 400 people who are vulnerable to this place is
1. crowded
2. Visitors Safety
3. Damage to the attractions
Thanya Tharakit ID:5505857 Sec.01
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe risk of theft is crime and that the killing occurred. Of course, if there are a lot of tourists. Economically, it will be better Turnover The income of people in the area increased the greed of people increased as well. Visitors may also fear that will happen to life and property, not to duplicate services.
DeleteAnongnat Jantachit
Sec.01 Id. 5608851
Indian culture, religious influences and Balinese culture dramatically affect travelers . But increasing numbers , there may be other consequences , such as problems with the increasing number of tourists.
ReplyDeleteName Weerawat anuttato ID 5505144 Sec 01
I think that the risk of increased of travellers from India. Bali has several tourist attractions, that could risk the environment. May be go and destroy the natural beauty and the place.
ReplyDeleteAlfadia Nimad
Id:5602946 Sec.02
Increasing of tourism will be the good advantages for Indonesia economic. But the other way it will be inferior about nature and tourist attractions. Sakuna Liwphiliyawong ID:5605456 sec.02
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion , from this article talk about Bali that was the perfect place for Indians to visit and most people on Bali are Hindu, that is risk because, if some people didn't like Hindu they wouldn't like to go to Bali.
ReplyDeleteTanaporn Settakrikul ID:5605245 Sec.01
The risk that I see from where tourists will have to choose this destination is functional risks this means foreshadowed the possibility of the experience of travel products will not be as promised by the travel agency and marketing communications for both travel agents and destinations.
ReplyDeleteJutarart Juntan ID 5500494 Sec01
Indian tourists increased in the last two months has to make. Damage of the tourist filth caused by the behavior of tourists different and affect the destruction of the environment.
ReplyDeleteWatchaneeporn Thongmak 5409965 Sec.01
I think that the risk is Tourists visiting too much. Atwood was packed and dirty And Bali as a tourist destination, the cost was not interested and it was beautiful, but India and Bali. People from both places connected with the spirit and culture and the arts, so he chose to come here.
ReplyDeleteMiss Natnicha Chaoum 5506317 sec.01
When people from India increased in the area of Bali. Indonesia The risk does occur, it is. Damage to natural resources and may be difficult to resolve.
ReplyDeleteButsakorn ajsuwan 5601438 sec.01 TRM319
I think, I think, is the flow of culture rather than faith tour of Merit live in India or Central Asia has come to do the trading and settlement and have religious beliefs and artistic compatible. a shocking Gravity seems to be good for tourism.
ReplyDeletePisut Mepian 5506440 TRM319 sec.01
ReplyDeleteID NUMBER 5606560
TRM319 Sec01
It is a great destination with visitor numbers increasing. Which combines religious attraction of Bali as a tourist destination is the capital and is beautiful. It also has to promote travel between the Indian and Indonesian . The good relationship that helps promote tourism in the two countries.
So I think of tourists from India has increased by 47.52 percent in the first two months of the year to 17,400 people to risk is cheap crowded dirty and dangerous and Indian culture have effect to Balinese culture and tourists
ReplyDeleteMiss Chanunkon Piriyasunti 550631 sec 02
I think the risk of tourists form India. The dominant Indian culture is religious tourism. To promote tourism to India.
ReplyDeleteName: wannaporn khunrong 5603640 sec 01
I think risks of tourists from India is Cheap ,crowded,dirty , dangerous and problem environment.
ReplyDeleteSupichaya Theingkhuen 5505003 sec 02
From this news article,It's a beautiful but travelers from India is supported by good relations between India and Indonesia.
ReplyDeletePisit Chantharasena 5403437 TRM 319 SEC 02
i think Bali its very beautiful but India tourists u know right? i always meet india tourists they are dirty and not polite . maybe its not a good idea. Narapon Sodkaew 5500480 sec 02
ReplyDeleteI think Indian tourists who visit in Indonesia , more as a result of increased pollution and population increase, but also additional stimulus measures .
ReplyDeleteAnd Indian culture Religious culture , especially the unique Balinese culture greatly influenced art as well.
Anan Anuntachai 5409396 sec02
I think that would cause congestion and dangerous . Increased risk of traveling
ReplyDeleteName Teerawawt Aobsubsul 5608654 sec02
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think the risk. Travel more often the advantages of Indonesia. But the many attractions that might be at risk.
ReplyDeleteName : Ramita Pandae 5505097 Sec:02
I look Indian culture particularly religious culture which It is a Individually art send an influence on Balinese culture dramatically and affect travelers. i always meet india tourists they are dirty and not polite . maybe its not a good idea.
ReplyDeleteNattamonporn Bunpatam 5608452 Sec.02
I think if too many tourists maybe make tourist attraction wane and as with so many exotic and beautiful places that are now being destroyed by having too many tourists, Bali could suffer the same problems.
ReplyDeleteNattaporn Iyara 5608482 Sec.02
5606937 Mr.Thanapong Somsri /sec02
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion,of tourists from India has increased by 47.52 percent in the first two months of the year to 17,400 people. It is a great destination with visitor numbers increasing. Which combines religious attraction of Bali as a tourist destination is the capital and is beautiful. It also has to promote travel between the Indian and Indonesian . The good relationship that helps promote tourism in the two countries and good advantages for economic as well.