Thursday, December 24, 2015

What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article? How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

The kid behind you is kicking your seat, the woman ahead of you is wearing flowery perfume, and the man across the aisle has had a few too many cocktails. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to air travel: the transportation option most likely to make you grumpy. According to a 2015 report by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, airlines are among the lowest-rated industries when it come to customer satisfaction. We surveyed 1,097 air travelers to determine which offenses they find most aggravating. Take a look at the results: Are you a victim of annoying air travel behavior – or a violator?
When it comes to behavior on the plane, unsurprisingly, the top three annoying behaviors involve the invasion of personal space: sitting in a seat that’s being kicked, smelling a fellow passenger’s body odor, and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far. After all, there’s no way to escape these annoyances when you’re 30,000 feet in the air.
But according to the survey, even more travelers are annoyed by obnoxious behavior in the airport. The top pet peeves mainly involve noise and chaos – no fun for weary travelers who just want to get to their destination. Loud music is the biggest offender, followed by kids running wild and fellow travelers who have too much to drink at the airport bar.
Unfortunately for passengers, some of the most obnoxious inflight behavior is also the most prevalent: Passengers report frequently witnessing kicking seats and reclining too far. But the pet peeve they most often notice is a refusal to share the armrest.
In the airport, respondents often see fellow travelers rushing up to crowd the boarding gate. They also see frequent instances of people saving seats with suitcases, parents allowing children to misbehave, and travelers standing still on the moving sidewalk. (Thankfully, participants report relatively few sightings of the tipsy person knocking back Bloody Marys at the airport bar.)

How does gender factor in? It turns out that both men and women are equally prone to irritability during air travel. Exactly half of male and female travelers report noticing a behavior they perceived as “extremely annoying.” However, men and women feel differently about various behaviors.
For instance, women report being much more affected by strong perfume than men. They’re also more bothered by what might be perceived as selfish or thoughtless behavior: phone and computer users who monopolize power outlets, brusque flight attendants, fellow travelers who leave luggage on airport seating, and passengers who bring smelly food on the plane.
Men seem to be more disgusted by certain smells, including body odor and sock feet on airplanes. Male passengers also have less patience for people who stand still on the moving sidewalk, flight attendants who crack corny jokes, children behaving badly, and travelers who play music or games loudly.

Passengers’ top pet peeves can differ based on their reason for traveling: People flying on a business trip are slightly more tolerant of having their seat bumped from behind than those heading to vacation – possibly because frequent-flying business travelers are more accustomed to that inconvenience. Business travelers are also most bothered by sick passengers – after all, coming down with a cold before an out-of-town conference or client meeting would be a pain.
Vacationers are more concerned with enjoying their journey and tend to lack patience when it comes to annoyances. Both business and leisure flyers are more sensitive to offensive body odor than travelers en route for family obligations or holiday getaways – perhaps traveling with the family affords passengers more tolerance for off-putting smells. Each type of traveler departs with a unique mindset, which can affect their feelings toward poor airline etiquette.

Flying the (Not-So-Friendly?) Skies

The next time you’re traveling on an airplane, you may roll your eyes at the behaviors we examined here. But look no further than the news headlines to realize that it can always, always be worse: Consider the male passenger who recently urinated on travelers while aboard a plane headed to Portland. And the female traveler headed to Indianapolis who recently became unruly and grabbed a flight attendant, kissed her, and then punched her in the face. Now there’s an entire Facebook page dedicated to “passenger shaming” – outing travelers who exhibit unacceptable behavior on planes.
But it’s not all bad news: According to a new J.D. Power and Associates study, passenger satisfaction of North American airlines is actually on the uptick. As airlines strive to provide a good experience, sometimes all a passenger can do is hope for the best on a particular flight: that means seatmates who share the armrest, liberally apply antiperspirant, and keep their shoes on.


We surveyed 1,097 air travelers in America to find out which behaviors on planes and in airports were being witnessed most and which behaviors are most annoying.


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Q : What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : In this article, tourism and hospitality products is intangibility because it's services, so we can't touch it. And the service is not good enough because they can’t handle problems well enough.

    Q : How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans : - On planes, they should adjust size the seat and armrest to get more comfortable for passengers
    - Training flight attendants to restrain themselves and have a good attitude towards customers. If you can't get good service, you may not be hired to work.
    - Set the rules, do not allow drunk passenger to use airline services because they will disturb other passengers and make other problems.
    - Checking a complaint from customers and improve it.

    นายนวมินทร์ แซ่จุ้ง รหัส 5703383 TRM319 Sec.01

  3. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - From the article. I think the problem comes from the behavior of passengers on the planes that cannot be controlled. On the theory that "The process can not be separated from each other and the consumer."
    For example : Annoying behaviors involve the invasion of personal space: sitting in a seat that’s being kicked, smelling a fellow passenger’s body odor, and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far. After all, there’s no way to escape these annoyances when you’re 30,000 feet in the air and Obnoxious behavior in the airport. The top pet peeves mainly involve noise and chaos – no fun for weary travelers who just want to get to their destination. Loud music is the biggest offender, followed by kids running wild and fellow travelers who have too much to drink at the airport bar.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -I think the airline can reduce annoyance and turbulence of passengers. By providing useful information to passengers so there is hope. Tell me what you are editing information and guidelines to solve the problem. Tell us periodically with passengers. No emotion as the other remaining issues, they can talk to each other. What can help the airlines. It's talk can be exchanged.
    นางสาวนัชพร โล้วโสภณกุล 5706637 sec.01 TRM319

  4. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    From the article, There has been a trouble that we (a flight attendant) can't control occurred in flight.
    For example,the top three annoying behaviors involve the invasion of personal space: sitting in a seat that’s being kicked, smelling a fellow passenger’s body odor, and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far. So there’s no way to escape these annoyances when you’re 30,000 feet in the air. Overall there're an annoying behaviors to make a passengers will be getting an unsatisfied experience.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flightz?-Make sure that you had provided a good services for the passengers sincerely.
    - Checking from the amount of a regular customer (return customer) and lost customer of an airline.
    - Surveying the customer satisfied in flight.
    - Checking from a complaining and suggestion.

    นางสาว ปาริชาติ พุ่มทรัพย์ 5700970 trm319 sec.01

  5. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -I think tourism and hospitality can't expect behaviors or characteristics of passenger in ever situation it's a personal behavior. We should prepare in yourself and confident to decide to solve the problem quickly and completely. So the important of tourism and hospitality is a human to work with a love service for impress of customers.
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Make the satisfaction and convenience to the customers.
    - Observe behaviors of customers and take care of all customers.
    - Adjust the attitude of both men and women to the same understand.
    นางสาวเสาวภาคย์ แซ่อู่ 5701314 trm319 sec.01

  6. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : In this article , I think the most special characteristic of tourism and hospitality is heterogeneity because it is can't controlling all phases,so that they are at the same level of excellence and procedures to ensure that they provide a consistent service but it is very difficult to make each service experience identical. For example behavior on the plane, both men and women feel differently about various behaviors. For instance, women report being much more affected by strong perfume than men.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans : - you should provide a good service, aiding passenger and makes them feel the most sastified.
    - If passengers have a problem, you should able to solve unexpected problems.
    - In flight, you have to use standard service to all passengers.

    น.ส.นภัสสร มีรัศมี 5700563 sec.01 TRM319

  7. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -The characteristics of tourism and servise products is intangible that means tourisum is such kind of product which can not seen and there is no tranfer of ownership,But service can make you feel .In article that problem such as sitting in a seat that's being kicked or taking off shoes on the plane .All problems is show the bad service in the plane.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -Airlines has make a rule of inproper behaviors that inform to passengers and operate it. If has people don't operate it such as a family that has a child make loud noise ,so airlines have to a command to you move your seat back or take care a child calms.

    สุกัญญา ดีประสิทธิ์ปัญญา 5702291 sec:01 TRM319

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : From this article, A lot of behaviors on planes can’t control. Such as Bumping seat from behind, person in front of you reclining his/her seat, passenger from the back pushing to the front while deplaning. According to the survey, many travelers are annoyed and no fun for weary travelers who just want to get to their destination.
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans :
    -Inform about Airline regulations to everyone acknowledge and must follow.
    -Checking the neatness and take care of passengers.
    -Providing services to passengers with sincerity and willingness.
    sometimes all a passenger can do is hope for the best on a particular flight that means seat mates who share the armrest, liberally apply antiperspirant, and keep their shoes on.

    น.ส.กุลธิดา กองมี 5700929 Sec.01 TRM319

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : In this article, I think. There is a flight attendant can be controlled and uncontrolled in behavior occur. If we tell passengers May violate rights Some behaviors, it does not violate the rules of aviation. But is that consumers do not get. But what employees can do is try to make the passengers that we fully support.
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans :
    - Full service The performance of duties in not give defective, smiling faces friendly to everyone.
    - anything the passenger was asked to help. If not overload or wrong to rule that the airport should have it done.
    - Monitor security regularly.
    - It's important to say what passengers need to know and what action was or not. As this happens, the time to do this.

    นาย จิรายุส ตันติสุวรรณกิจ 5702292 Sec 01 TRM319

  13. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : From this article, I think the special characteristics of tourism and services have a variety of forms. Tourism product is intangible products. The service cannot control the behavior. For example, the top three annoying behaviors involve the invasion of personal space: sitting in a seat that’s being kicked, smelling a fellow passenger’s body odor, and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far. After all, there’s no way to escape these annoyances when you’re 30,000 feet in the air.
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans : - If passengers have a problem, We should solve the problem immediately.
    - You should give good service make customers satisfied.
    - Tell passengers about the rules of our airline.
    - The service has to do with the heart to the customer.

    น.ส.วริษา ธรรมสาร 5701559 Sec.01 TRM319

  14. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -From this topic, we will see it through to bad tourism.Unable to deal with the problem.Tourism is a service product can not tangible. So do the birth control is not good. Be displayed in an easy problem.For example people kick the seats or The smell of people alongside .
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -1.Service with a smile
    2.Service with a Heart
    3.Good problem solving
    4.The care and attention to the customer.

    1. ลืมเขียนชื่อ varit tammasan 5701560 trm319

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : The spore six attractions, Udon, and it is something that must not be, and there catch a wide variety of services are not tangible products. Services are difficult to control, is unable to control behavior. For example,There are other passengers who. Leaning too much cushion which, in essence, that it is not, and the smell of people beside the little distractions while traveling.
    2..How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Smiling while working
    - has solved the problem immediately
    - take the user thoroughly
    - informing passengers about the rules of our airline
    - customer service satisfaction.

    นาย อัศวพล พลเยี่ยม 5704893 sec.01 TRM319

  17. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -From this article,Tourism products and services can not be tangible. And thus it is difficult to give away because they control the mood and feeling are difficult to control. But how difficult will it be a good idea to do it. But we see the examples of the services that can not be controlled.
    2..How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -1. love in service to assist when clients want.
    2. Service smile
    3. customer care.
    4. be able to answer any questions.
    น.ส. รัฏิยา บัวผัน 5701593 TRM 319

  18. 1.What spacial characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?
    Ans : from artical. I think tourism and hospitality products is hard of control because behavior of individual is can not define and during age difference is the reason for the different behavior. It make difficult to woke in service line.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans :
    willingly service customer.
    Service smile.
    Security customer.
    Customer support.

    นางสาวมนทิพ คำแหง 5705429 TRM319 sec.01

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans- From the article. I think it is difficult to control because something may be due to the differences in age and culture of each nation,so the service is intangible.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    Ans-I think that airline security measures should be taken to make clear in order to make passenger satisfaction .In addition, the airline informs passengers should be clear about the rules and taboos on the plane .When any of these things , it makes passenger satisfaction , the airline more.
    นางสาววรัญญา พงษ์อุมดมพล 5705997 trm319 sec01

  21. 1.What spacial characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?
    Ans : In this article, The problem is the behavior of travelers, whether they are men, women and children even more flight attendant. Product is intangible for tourism and hospitality. As a result, making it difficult to control.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans : There are services to guide regulatory practices to help, and there is good security.

    นางสาวปรีดารา พูลเขตนคร 5706272 TRM319 sec.01

  22. Q1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?
    Ans : Tourism and hospitality products are intangibility because it's services, so we can feel but can't touch it. And the service is not always good enough because they can’t handle problems well at all times. For this article, the annoying behavior of air traveler are effect to the passengers.

    Q2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans :Use service mind and Service behavior, because they are core of sevice foundation
    Checking from the amount of a regular customer (return customer) and lost customer of an airline.
    Checking from a complaining and traveler rating.

    นายวาทิต จินดาวัฒน์ 5700447 TRM319 sec.01

  23. 1.What spacial characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?
    Ans : Product sales and tourism to welcome the employees will be offered to the users is critical to the preparation of the staff or even the rules of the organization. The article above shows a clear lack of practical use. Notice of the 2015 report by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. The airline industry is ranked the lowest when it comes to customer satisfaction. It was the victim's behavior annoying air travel. When it comes to behavior on the plane or in violation surprisingly annoying associated with the invasion of personal space: sitting in that seat is taken. Smell a fellow passenger's seat and sat behind the couch too far. Employees should be required to have a flair for problem resolution time. And ready to assist users with love in mind that the service even more.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans : First, we must start from ourselves (providers) need to know how to handle themselves. Preparedness It is fundamental to know for service. To know the behavior of tourists: fairness, diversity (inconstancy of quality assessment. And satisfaction) the inability to separate the production process (information about) the inability inventory. When we know how to deal with tourists then. Including clear guidelines on the plane can be used to control the machine better. A friendship Pay attention to customers throughout the customer journey, it makes an impression and have a satisfying experience. Or may include a return of the airline repeatedly and told to instead take a negative attitude toward the organization.

    นายปิยวัฒน์ ทุ่งหลวง 5703504 Sec. 01 TRM319

  24. 1.What spacial characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?
    Ans : Product sales and tourism to welcome the employees will be offered to the users is critical to the preparation of the staff or even the rules of the organization. The article above shows a clear lack of practical use. Notice of the 2015 report by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. The airline industry is ranked the lowest when it comes to customer satisfaction. It was the victim's behavior annoying air travel. When it comes to behavior on the plane or in violation surprisingly annoying associated with the invasion of personal space: sitting in that seat is taken. Smell a fellow passenger's seat and sat behind the couch too far. Employees should be required to have a flair for problem resolution time. And ready to assist users with love in mind that the service even more.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans : First, we must start from ourselves (providers) need to know how to handle themselves. Preparedness It is fundamental to know for service. To know the behavior of tourists: fairness, diversity (inconstancy of quality assessment. And satisfaction) the inability to separate the production process (information about) the inability inventory. When we know how to deal with tourists then. Including clear guidelines on the plane can be used to control the machine better. A friendship Pay attention to customers throughout the customer journey, it makes an impression and have a satisfying experience. Or may include a return of the airline repeatedly and told to instead take a negative attitude toward the organization.

    นายปิยวัฒน์ ทุ่งหลวง 5703504 Sec. 01 TRM319

  25. Q: What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    A: From this article, I think special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is Variable. Flight attendants can be controlled and uncontrolled in passengers behavior, Because differences in gender, age, nation, culture and environment. For example, passenger luggage on chairs or taking off shoes on the plane.

    Q: How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    A: First, Training flight attendants have to be a good attitude towards passengers.
    Second, Second, Inform about the rules to passengers should know and must be follow.
    Finally, Full service the performance to duties and flight attendant should to use standard service to all passengers.

    Mr. Tanatorn Yenmun ID 5703703 TRM319 Sec 01

  26. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans-From the Article . We 'll know that the main problem is
    loudnoise and children.
    and the next is smelling of food and the last is flight attendant that cant hold the situation during the chaos.
    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans- 1.) on plane the airlines should build the airplane with a more space between the seat or make a space for relax on plane (For Standing Or Stretching)
    - 2.) make a plane for family means that if you come with your family . we'll take you to another type of plane so this option is reduced the problems that
    - noise from passenger , gagging from children , food from family , etc.
    - 3.) the armrest should be fold with silence or soft fold this for reduced the unplesant sound.
    นางสาวธัญชนก นัยมิตร 5704224 trm319 sec01

  27. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    = From the article. Tourism is a product that is not tangible. In this article I will tell the customer satisfaction in each gender. Each individual person will have a different behavior.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    = A strict discipline on airlines. Apartheid behavior of individual customers with different area. To prepare staff to cope with the events that will take place in advance.

    น.ส.ฐิติมา การเก่ง 5703510 TRM319 Sec.01

  28. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : From this article, I think tourism and hospitality product is varieble because passenders, there are find like something new , there are thought to be different and difficle culture. For example, extremely sick travelers on plane or passengers from the back pushing to the front while deplaning.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?
    Ans :
    - Make a first impression for passengers
    - Wholenearted service and full capacity
    - Various solutions as well

    Supawadee Chaimanee 5702368 TRM319(01)

  29. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans : From the above article. To demonstrate the effect of tourism products and services, the most obvious is Simultaneity or Inseparability , which is the product of the service, is the message of flight need to create interaction between passengers and employees or passengers, the passenger making the inappropriate manner. considered to create a behavior that is not impressive. Great service, so take care of the passenger's behavior. Who are strangers to each other can live together.
    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans : Service providers or employees must learn and understand the behavior of passengers or their target customers. To modify the format of the airline, is consistent with the behavior and expectations of passengers. And the most important is the need to study the behavior of the individual traveller and groups deep before the decision to select the target customers. Should give procedural knowledge services. The practices and restrictions in order to make people understand the service and make it a good experience of other passengers. For example, should not provide more business passengers or those travelling alone. Sitting near the passenger with their families because of the passengers travelling alone. He loves peace, if there's a loud sound, healthy children, or it might be a problem.
    นางสาวนัศราพร ยะก๊บ 5706242 TRM 319 Sec.01

  30. 1.According to this article, I think these situations that can't control. These situations occur from behavior of each passenger, we can't blame them because maybe it makes passengers pungent. Role of tourism and hospitality is make passenger satisfy. So, there are things that employees can do it. For example prepare for bad situation, rapidly resolve and willing service to passenger.

    2.Give knowledge to employees about behavior of people ,teach employees respond to bad various situation that maybe occur on flight and foster employee aware of duty of service job. In part of passenger maybe we make brochure that about primary behavior that make others people annoy and put in channel behind seats. If passengers read it, they will know these behaviors is bad so they will stop it.

    นายสมเกียรติ อ่อนแก้ว 5803599
    TRM 319 sec 01

  31. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans. the problems come from the behavior of different people from different places, so some people do not like what you act on that. For example, somebody who hogging armrest that is not polite to the passengers behind you.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans. Sometimes, we can not controlled that situation because the personality of people are not the same but if the passengers have some problems of them, they can ask staffs for helping you, solving the problems, talk with the passengers politely or ask for changing the seat instead if their available.

    นางสาวศรีหยก เธียรปรีชา ID: 5702908 Sec.01 TRM319

  32. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    In my opinion after I was read the article I think the special characteristic of tourism and hospitality products that evident in this article is the tangible product. Personal space for the customer it seem like the most product that we can see that is the important problem because sometime being kicked a seat from each other, someone reclines the seat too far, or sometime you need to share the armrest. It may be better or not if the airline also addition more space but I know it is quite difficult because there are a lot of specification.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    In my opinion I think the airline should to focus on customer need such as a comfortable during the trip, service mind, professional of captain and crew, safety, environment around the plane, seat, quality of food and beverage, entertainment device, including about the information. However, the airline also can make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight by sometime may be have an questionnaire, web page for customer to left a comment for improve and develop of an airline in the future, it not only to get more high quality but also including the customers loyalty too

    นายจักรกริช คำสอง ID : 5705752 sec.01 TRM319

  33. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    - Special tourism products and services is the satisfaction of passengers. Although transportation options , most likely. According to a 2015 report by a disgruntled passenger satisfaction index of the American airline industry is one of the lowest ranking due. Behavior like a tourist, kid behind you is kicking your seat, the woman ahead of you is wearing flowery perfume, and the man across the aisle has had a few too many cocktails. So it is not surprising that most passengers are unhappy because tourism products. And the service is unpredictable , uncontrollable as a result of human behavior , personality, emotions, environment and other factors.


    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    - In my opinion, the way to ensure that passengers will not find a bad experience with the airline is an airline we must have quality standards, clean facilities within the aircraft must complete each well. Staff must have the skills to do troubleshootings were polite and smiling staff to service quickly. If the physical well Other services are also good. I think that would be a way to reduce the experience was not pleasant and can impress the midst customers to customers coming back again. Or no airline may have to call the complaint line, if found to have problems, what was the point Kaew fever.

    #นางสาวปารียา กลั่นทองดี รหัส 5701887 Sec02 TRM 319

  34. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - special tourism products and Bi that most noticeable is observing the behavior that they perceive as a loud but men and women feel differently about the behavior The affected woman perfume stronger than men. The man seemed to be disgusted by the smell of something, as well as the body odor and toe socks on an airplane.
    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Care more thoroughly. By exploring the behavior related to invasion of privacy of tourists. Because there are differences about the behavior. To cope with the problem, and events to happen.

    นางสาวอินทิรา ศรนุวัตร ID:5603164 TRM319 Sec.02

  35. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    According to the article I found that it is intangibility and variety because the way how they feel, they experience, they receive the services. There're also variety of passengers as they took the survey some are bad some are good but overall this is not the company's fault they can't control it.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Actually they can't make sure that the passengers are going to get the good experience. The guy and flight attendant at the front of plane may stay in peace and everything went well but at the back may be not. But they can make the situation not going worse. The flight attendant were trained to deal with these situation.

    1. นายวิศรุต ตันฑ์ศรีสุโรจน์ 5600479 TRM319 SEC02

  36. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    - The special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is intangibility because the passenger has been serviced by the air hostess. And the experience they get in each flight.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - The air hostess must take care of the bad behavior passenger by follow the rules and service other passenger very good too. They cannot make sure that the passenger satisfied or not but they need to do their best.

    5600729 น.ส. คนึงนิจ ไชยยงค์ TRM319 Sec.02

  37. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -Special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is Intangible because service can not touch and get by feeling only.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Air hostess must take care passenger not cause chaos and study about passenger behavior.

    1. น.ส.จิรสุตา เสียงใส 5605209 Trm319 Sec.02

  38. 1).What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality product's most evident in this article?
    = characteristics's different attitude of passengers and facilitator about though ,surrounding ,and livelihood that make a different expression. So that intangibility and hard control. For example first, In the airport travelers rushing up to crowd the boarding gate. second, passenger sitting in a seat that's being kicked, smelling a fellow passenger's body odor , and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far.
    2).How can an airline make sure that their passengers don't experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    = Airlines is sharp and solve urgent bad to good. Can make a good feel for passenger , choose the best things for passenger. Make strict rule in the airport and on the plane. For passenger should be follow for rule in the airport and on the plane. Only follow rule it make a good experiences for passenger.

    จริญญา วงศ์สุวัฒน์ 5700457 TRM319 Sec:02

  39. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - [ ] - special characters of tourism and hospitality products. Are about the behavior of passengers because tourism and hospitality is polite for everyone,so tourism and hospitality always help others. The passengers must feel happy or safe when tourism and hospitality take care them. I think tourism and hospitality must be an optimistic person because the tourism and hospitality have lost of situation and experiences about the plains.
    - [ ] 2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers don't experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - [ ]
    - the airline can makes the measure of security for protects the passenger, since situations and generation are changed,so the airlines should be add an agreement for take care their passengers. The airline will supports their passengers with services. I think the important agreement are security and services.

    5705955 น.ส ปาณิสรา หอมมณฑา trm319 sce.02

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - In this article , Characteristics of tourism and hospitality is variable and can’t control for passengers. Such as smelling , kicked , loudly and other. It make problem too much for passengers satisfaction

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Airline train to employee must have service mind for fixed up situation. If possible airline change to wide seat for passenger. Finally , Strictly follow the rules.

    จัสมินทร์ แวมิง 5604638 TRM319 sec.02

  42. Q : What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - From the above article behavior at the party Many people come together they behave differently as the two men sat in the same area but a lot of people listening to loud music, the other one wants a quiet reading. An act that way, but they need to sit together. Is considered offensive behavior or personal opinion is that it is not wrong because it is personal. I have always thought that only coexist with one another in public, do not do this.

    Q : How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Employees who serve on the airline know that you can better serve them. Such training before operating. Check emotional state before flying medical service is not tangible but can be recognized by the actions of employees. There is a great service to guests. But no one cared. Take care everyone equally this was more than satisfied with the services offered to passengers. But if there was a problem the solution should not be used for sober mood was deemed to be good. Does not favor the airlines or the passengers too.

    TRM 319
    นางสาวอภิชญา แช่มหลง
    5500873 Sec.02

  43. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    -I think the special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is variable because we are not able to control the behaviour of the passenger. Whether it's a good or bad behaviour. The caused by a passenger with a different culture or a different tradition fairly smooth.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    -The airlines will also need training for flight attendance.They can fix the problem-specific training, and hard work with standards compliant one at the airline have been defined.

    ดวงสมร งามวงศ์วิเชียร 5601819 TRM319 sec.02

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans. From this article, I think special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is intangibility and variable. Because the passengers can feel service but they can't tough it. When passengers services on the plane, they are difficult to control their behaviors. From this problem, we can see annoying behaviors such as smelling a fellow passenger’s body odor. Maybe because the passengers are different nationalities, culture, age including gender. So the flight attendants can’t control the satisfaction of passengers.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans. I think we have so many ways to make the passengers feel satisfaction, for example.
    - The airline should do the questionnaire for survey by themselves to know satisfaction of customers every class service on international routes. Then check the results for develop the airline a better.
    - Prepare the flight attendants for good service, control them to service mind.
    - Always checking the security of the passengers.
    - Explain passengers about rules on the plane.
    - When passengers has problem, the flight attendants should have a good solving problem and always smile.

    5601998 เมริษา ธีระวงษ์ไพโรจน์ / Sec.02

  46. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most in this article?
    - In this article ,Because the airline was not able to control the behavior of all passengers. Each passenger has a wide range of groups such as business travellers. They have a different behaviour or thought. May be either good behavior or bad behavior. Passengers may perhaps be enlightened but still continue operating as it was thought to myself it had paid for the ticket.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - The airline is training very well. Training problems that occur frequently on the plane. So employees can resolve these problems properly. And employees use polite words without making passengers feel ashamed. And to cooperate with us.

    นางสาวเบญจมาศ ต่อธนวัฒน์
    5605534 TRM.319 Sec.02

  47. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    The most evident characteristic in this article is the variable with airline service and high sensitive about the service quality evaluation. So, the satisfaction level from the passengers by each one are so different. The perception of service performance are various. Depending on the mood And the popularity of passengers.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    When you know the cause, then taken to find solutions by :

    - collect the data, any suggestion that has been reported from the passengers. Were analyzed the causes of problems to make improvement.
    -Define rules, etiquette service from the airlines.
    - create customer awareness to use the good service, in accordance with the rules of the airline.
    - train your flight attendants to always observing the passengers behavior. If any passengers abuse they should go for advice. In order not to disturb the other passengers.

    Miss Nisachon Chaitongdee 5605059 sec.02

  48. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    - From this article, l think realize that the tourism industry and the service is intangible. The service can't control the behavior. But now difficult will it be a good idea to do it.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    - Perform the duties of their ability to smile and be friendly with everyone.
    - Monitor security regularly.
    - You should give good service make customer satisfied.

    Narisara Boonjaroen
    5604384 trm319 sec.02

  49. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    - From this article, I think the special characteristics of tourism and hospitality have variety of forms. Tourism product is intangible products. The can't control the behavior. The airline industry is ranked the lowest when it comes to customer satisfaction. It was the victim's behavior annoying air travel. When it comes to behavior on the plane or in violation surprisingly annoying associated with the invasion of personal space: sitting in that seat is taken. Smell a fellow passenger's seat and sat behind the couch too far. Employees should be required to have a flair for problem resolution time. And ready to assist users with love in mind that the service even more.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - The airline's employees can reduce the annoyance and how to solve the problem of passengers.
    - Customer service and satisfaction.
    - Service smile.
    - Employees need to have patience in the service to the customer.
    - Introduce how to use the equipment on the plane with the customer.

    Miss Nahathai Pragobdee 5806027 sec.02 TRM319

  50. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans. I think, the special characteristics of tourism and hospitality product is intangibility and control. Because customers behavior is differences. It’s hard control the satisfaction of customers.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans. I thank, we have many choice.
    -Take care and observation of customer behavior.
    -View the customer feedback and improve.
    -Security check strictly.

    Miss Nitsawara Thanbancha 5601020 TRM319 SEC.02

  51. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    I think that such behavior is the behavior of consumers as was learned in class. We can not know in advance, it does not control. In addition, the definition also shows that consumer behaviour is rational behaveor. The reason why it is to your own needs.
    However, what is preparing to cope with any problems that occur.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - Full service , friendly There is concern, caring and sincere, to be given to passengers.
    - Convenience to passengers It has functions such as taking care of passengers in emergency aid.

    Pannataphat Saelee
    5602187 TRM319 SEC02

  52. 1.What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -The bad behavior of each individual. Occurring in each situation. But in the same event. And the behavior that occurs is the characteristics that cannot touch and guess in advance. The tourism and hospitality industry. It is something that cannot be controlled or difficult. So for all service and should provide the standard for the most. To reduce the problem or problems of passengers each lighter or happen, preferences, habits, or the expression of each person is different. Some problems may be easy to manipulate, and some may be difficult to handle. The problems may occur in the work. Employees should be ready to handle and solve it in time. The needs and the reason of the individual may vary because most take their idea is set. Employees should be neutral. , and should find the cause of problem and fix it.
    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -Service standards well. Take care of all the guests fully. And should receive the services according to the standard.

    Attention to all take care of every problem. Not to ignore the problem. Even the problem might not be from us. But should solve the problem as well.

    When the problem and must be corrected so as not to cause damage to another passenger. Smile and work wholeheartedly. All the work will be good with all due love We don't know what the flight we services that will create a good experience to go back to the passengers? So every service. Should do not lacking. When we do so, passengers is in know, we provide good experience.

    Mr. Thanyaroot Setsawat 5701118 Sec02

  53. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -Both tourism and hospitality are intangible but, it depend on you to solve that. People have a different of behavior. So, you can't control of mood or thinking of customers.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -Make a confidence and standard of safety to customers. Make a good experiences and give customers for best service. If you have a problem you should solve that immediately.

    Adichart Kao-ian ID: 5607320 Sec.02

  54. 1.What special charecteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -Tourism and hospitality products is intangible. You can't know what is customer want. It difficult to satisfied for them. You need to have more experiences to solve the problem.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -Service with a smile, thoughtful, polite, enthusiastic.
    -Give a good experiences and take comfortable to customers.
    -Flight attendants always to already for work all the time.

    Nuttawadee Sayyhud 5606466 Sec.02

  55. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is intangibility because you cannot be seen, felt, heard before purchase. After service consumption, customers leave empty-handed. Customers are posed with high perceived risk when making decision.

    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -train to employee must have service mind service mind
    -full service and friendly
    -check security
    -Take care of all the guests

    TRM 319 sec.02
    Thirapa Sangsiwarit 5601426

  56. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    -A charactor of tourism products is evident in this article. The abstract is intangible undertakings could not have guessed that we would come across a situation where crema or annoyance. The second is heterogeneity in the habit of tourists alike. Some people just do not feel the simultaneity is not the behavior of a man or a woman to be heterosexual as well but it can not be raised as it is annoying behavior makes the good undertakings in this airline.
    How can an airline make sure that their passengers not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    -Airlines must learn to the behaviour of tourists, tourists are impressed that the habits and needs are not satisfied? If the entity is a matter of too much stool or seat-kicking someone. The reception warning or tell the airline rules, but must be used for good, not words, re-living of the passenger and, if there are children, the sound should change the space to another passenger or to bring a dessert to come, eat and do not bring food on board, but must use words so well because passengers will have the individual's own life and must try to convince the passengers to understand. He will be impressed with the service and repeat.
    Miss Dalin Phaisansukchit
    5600546 sec.02

  57. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans.The effects of tourism and hospitality. It is the intangible Uncontrolled The airline's service Satisfaction is ranked lowest on the satisfaction of customers. Due to the violation of personal space behavior during the trip, such as noise, odor and other annoying behavior of fellow passengers. Employees must have a flair for problem solving. Modern and impress clients with the most satisfaction.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    ANS.The preparation of the staff on the plane for providing the best service . And explain the rules for passengers to understand . Providing help when passengers need help . impressively

    นางสาว พิชชารีย์ นาคประสิทธิ์
    รหัส 5503917 กลุ่ม 02

  58. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?
    Ans: From the article I think the problem comes from the tourism and hospitality products is intangibility uncontrolled all phases another problem is that many people have different lacation each one is satisfied with the service as well For example, the front passenger seat cushion leaning too much to make us uncomfortable.
    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    Ans: Training staff are well equipped with good service. And a clean, modest dress is ready any time to fix the problem for customers who use the service with the airline. Passengers told to follow the rules strictly.
    น.ส.อชิระมิณ เกตุกรุต 5500874 sec.02

  59. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article?

    Ans : The most special characteristic of tourism and hospitality products is intangibility because it's first impression for this business. Services is the most important for customers. Because,They expect to good services. But, services is not good they not return to service.

    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?

    Ans : First, Make the rules about noise. Such as noise of game, music, crying baby, and so on. Flight attendants should tell someone when they're make noise on flights. Second, the seat on plane it so small. They should make the new size for customers to get more comfortable seat.

    น.ส.ภักจิรา ชัยชนะมงคล
    ID 5709214 Sec.02

  60. 1.What spacial characteristics of tourism and hospitality products is most evident in this article ?

    Ans : According to this article, the special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products that most evident is the intangibility. The reason is that tourism and hospitality is a service product which hard to manage and the most interesting thing in these is that it requires a skill to manage the uncontrollable situation such as passenger luggage on chairs or taking off shoes on the plane. How to make all customers satisfy is the most important in tourism and hospitality.

    2.How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight ?

    Ans : The first thing to do is that flight attendants need to inform all passengers to think about other people too. Not only care about their own comfortable. If all customers understand this concept, the overwhelm satisfaction will happen for every passengers. However, it is very hard to do in practice. Consequently, they should have like a rule that all customers need to follow so they would not cross each other privacy. This solution may be worked. Moreover, flight attendants need to be ready for all kind of situation that may occur in that flights.

    นางสาว กิริยาภรณ์ ฮั่นจินดา 5601030 sec.02

    1. TRM319 แก้secจาก02เป็น01ค่ะ

  61. 1. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products in most evident in this articles.
    Ans In this article. I think the special is air travel and tourism and hospitality is make for customer.
    2. How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight.
    Ans - The service has to do with the heart and with smile to the customer.
    - Care attention for customer.
    - Good service make customers satisfied.
    นางสาว เบญญาดา นิลสนธิ 5600635 sec.01

  62. What special characteristics of tourism and hospitality products are most evident in this article?
    - This article is about bad behavior of the passenger in the plane, it show that the services cannot control, because is intangibility. Based on the article, they represent the annoying behavior of the air passenger. For instant, sitting in the seat that being kicking, smelling a passenger’s body and sitting behind someone who reclines the seat too far.
    How can an airline make sure that their passengers do not experience unsatisfied experiences in flight?
    - In my opinion, the airline must have the international standard and high quality. The flight attendant must learn how to handle with the bad situation which mostly happened in the plane, learn how to treat or service the customers politely. If there are complicated situation, for instant, the woman who has strong perfume and men customer cannot handle it and starting to complain the flight attendant, the flight attendant needs to find the best solution which both of the customers complacent. I suggest that the flight attendant needs to change the seat for men customer and apologize him, although service is intangibility.

    นางสาวเบญจรัตน์ รุ่งเรือง รหัส 5600552 TRM319 SEC.02

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